Web development, build stage
These are tools I'm interested in to automate the process of building a website. I grow a need for a build stage, where I compile the website resources before they are production ready.
Build stack
I'm comfortable using a Makefile, legacy from the C++ days, in short there is a target file, and source file, target get reproduced when source is newer. It's that simple.
h5bp uses ant (java) though, and node.js too, will investigate later.
CSS preprocessor
Currently I use:
- stylus (node.js) with the help of nib
- compass (sass)
Images preprocessor
Tools I like to use:
ImageMagick (IM)
Note: I don't know how to produce png-8 and png-24 yet.
Sample code:
Source: tuxradar.com.#!/bin/sh for PIC in *.jpg do while true do DEST=$HOME/.tuxpaint/saved/$(date+%Y%m%d%H%M%S).png [ -f ${DEST} ] || break sleep 1 done convert -strip -antialias -resize 448x376 ${PIC} ${DEST} done
Seems like using ImageMagick for doing "save for web" is less better than using Photoshop functionality. Source: stackoverflow.com.
Other notable codes:
-strip -resample 72 -quality 80% +contrast -gravity East -antialias -format png
I don't have codes yet.